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circle k中文是什么意思

用"circle k"造句"circle k"怎么读"circle k" in a sentence


  • ok便利店
  • ok便利站


  • Just locate an add value machine or go to ticket offices or cutomer service centres in stations , designated bus terminus , designated ferry piers , 7 - eleven convenience stores , maxim s fast food cake shop outlets or circle k convenience stores
  • While presentation pack of every stamp issue will be available at all 147 circle k outlets , " greetings from hong kong " greeting cards and postage prepaid picture cards will be on sale at 17 selected circle k outlets with high tourist traffic , such as those in stanley , gold coast etc .
    每款套摺均会于全港一百四十七间ok便利店发售;而香江寄意心意卡和邮资已付图片卡则只会在游人较多的地区,如黄金海岸及赤柱等地点的十七间指定O K便利店发售。
  • Supply chain service division originally cooperated with exe and acted as an agent for its products ; however , after the merger , the cooperation was transferred to ssa global simultaneously the original exe was combined and formed by american dallas systems and neptune software , two professional logistic information technology companies . the present range of ssa global organization includes asian pecific , europe and north america which are the top three regions , and ssa global has more than 100 world - renowned customers , including third party logistic companies such as excel , ups , fedex , bax global , and retailer companies such as wh smith , safeway , circle k , and boots , as well as world - renown manufacturers such as sony , adidas , samsung , and gm
    美商ssa global technologies inc . ssa global经过审慎的评估后决定投入物流仓储管理系统warehouse management system ; wms的市场,于2003年并购全世界最大物流仓储管理系统提供者美商exe technologies inc . exe供应链系统服务部原与exe合作代理该公司的产品,于并购后同时转移与ssa global合作原exe ,由美国dallas systems与neptune software两家专业的物流资讯技术公司合并组成。 ssa global目前的组织包括亚太,欧洲及北美三大体系,全球知名的客户超过百名,包括第三方物流的excel ups fedex bax global等,零售的wh smith safeway circle k boots等,制造业的sony adidas samsung gm等知名大厂。
用"circle k"造句  
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